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Unboxing as a tool to improve the sales

Unboxing – a path towards the perfect packaging.

Sale is not over after the product is purchased. To gain the trust of a Customer and improve sales, brands ought to focus on each step of the shopping experience: from the purchasing decision to the moment when a customer unwraps an acquired item. In this context the unboxing, so an actual moment of opening a package, has become a fundamental marketing tool that can significantly influence sales results.

Unboxing – what is it?

Unboxing is a moment when a Customer opens the package and meets the purchased product for the very first time. Atractive packaging brings joy, builds positive brand perception and increases the chances of placing the order again in the future.

Why does unboxing matter?

Attractive packaging enhances the unboxing experience by evoking positive emotions related to the purchase. As a results, it awakes loyalty to the brand and boosts the post-shopping effect. Satisfied Customer is the best promoter of the product. According to the studies, 52% of customers* are going to repeat their purchase if the unboxing was a positive experience.

Unboxing as an element of a conscious marketing strategy

Including the unboxing experience in a marketing strategy brings number of benefits. Below there are few key aspects to be taken into consideration while designing this experience:

  • packaging aesthetics – packaging (link to the offer) is the very first physical experience that a customer has with the brand. Top quality materials and elegant finishing will highlight the product’s value and make it look luxurious.
  • Design – an outstanding packaging creates a WOW effect when a customer meets the product for the first time. Unique printing, unusual refinements, appropriate material and accessories such as tags or ribbons – all these elements make a difference.
  • Functionality – the packaging should not be only visually pleasant, but also functional. Aside of the easy-to-open solution, non-standard options are the ones that are relevant. For instance zippers, perforations or tapes: closing tapes and easy-return tapes.

The impact of unboxing on sales

Unboxing has a direct impact on increased sales. Here are few reasons why that really works:

  • Properly chosen packaging accessories – sometimes it’s enough to wrap the product in the paper tissue to make it look more valuable and make a positive impression as the joy of unwrapping lasts longer.
  • Eco-friendly packaging – customers have become increasingly eco-aware. The use of eco-friendly, FSC certified* materials will draw attention and gain trust of environment-sensitive. Customers.
  • Re-use – perfectly designed and manufactured packaging is not a spending, it’s an investment. Thanks to the fact that it can be used by your customers multiple times, it becomes a perfect advertising vehicle.

Why is it worth investing in packaging?

Unboxing is an important marketing tool. It enhances brand image, builds customer loyalty and improves sales. For that reason it’s worth to consciously invest in packaging that not only protects a product, but becomes a crucial factor in a long-term company success. 

If you are interested in enhancing the unboxing experience, see our packaging offer (link). Contact our professional Advisor to help you choose a product best suited to your needs.


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