Certyfikat ISO 9001


  • papier-icon-catipack paper type

    PAPER TYPE 80-120 g / m2
    Recycling beige – smooth, beige
    Kraft – smooth: white and beige
    Ribbed – white, beige
    Coated – white

  • uszlachetnienia-icon refinements

    Gloss/mat lamination, UV varnish, hot stamping, embossing

  • uchwyt-icon handle type

    Twisted paper, synthetic, cotton ropes

  • wytrzymalosc-icon reinforcements

    Without reinforcement, optionally reinforcing the bottom with a cardboard

  • formaty-icon formats

    Min. 14 x 6 x 21 max. 54 x 13 x 51

  • nadruk-icon printing method

    Flexo and offset

  • naklad-icon min order

    3,000 pieces

  • catipack-opis description

    Practical paper bag most commonly used for packaging bulk products or those of lower weight. There is no reinforcement, only a strap with glued holders made of paper braid. It can come in the luxury laminated version, for those who want to stand out.

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